Document Library
Includes treaties, resolutions, court judgments, and other documents discussed in the main text. Items are organized alphabetically by chapter.
Chapter 1: Competing Perspectives on International Law
- African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (1981)
- Constitutional Rights Project v. Nigeria (1993)
- Endorois v. Kenya (2003)
- LaGrand (1998)
- Lubicon Lake Band v. Canada (1990)
- Non-Proliferation Treaty (2015)
- Paris Climate Agreement (2015)
- Sulphur Protocol (1985)
- Treaty of Westphalia (1648)
- UN Charter (1945)
- Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963)
Chapter 2: Making International Law
- Antiballistic Missile Treaty (1972)
- Armed Activities–Rwanda (2006)
- Camp David Accords (1978)
- Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (1996)
- Corfu Channel (1946)
- Dudgeon (1981)
- EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement (2013)
- European Convention on Human Rights (1950)
- Exchange of Notes Concerning British Indian Ocean Territory (1966)
- Frontier Dispute (1986)
- Furundžija (1998)
- Gabčíkovo–Nagymaros (1997)
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1947)
- General Comment No. 24 (1994)
- Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf (1958)
- Genocide (1951)
- Genocide Convention (1948)
- Golder (1969)
- Helsinki Declaration (1975)
- ICC Elements of Crimes (2010)
- ICJ Statute (1945)
- ICRC Study of Customary International Humanitarian Law (2005)
- ILC Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties (2011)
- ILC Guiding Principles on Unilateral Declarations (2006)
- ILC Report on the Identification of Customary International Law (2016)
- International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling (1946)
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)
- International Load Line Convention (1930)
- Krupp (1948)
- Kyoto Protocol (1998)
- Lisbon Treaty (2007)
- Litwa (2000)
- Loizidou (1998)
- Maritime Labor Convention (2006)
- Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939)
- Munich Agreement (1938)
- Nicaragua (1986)
- Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968)
- North Sea (1969)
- Nuclear Disarmament (2016), Dissenting Opinion of Cançado Trindade
- Nuclear Tests (1974)
- Nuclear Weapons (1996)
- Oil Platforms (2003), Separate Opinion of Simma
- Ottawa Convention (1997)
- Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963)
- PCIJ Statute (1920)
- Protocol of Sèvres (1956)
- Pulp Mills (2010), Separate Opinion of Cançado Trindade
- Racke (1998)
- Reservations (1982)
- Right of Passage (1960)
- Rome Statute (1998)
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty (1974)
- Timor Gap Treaty (1989)
- Treaty of Guarantee (1960)
- Treaty of Versailles (1919)
- Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2017)
- UN Charter (1945)
- UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 95 (1946)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 96 (1946)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 217 (1948)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 1803 (1962)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 2625 (1970)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 3281 (1974)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 3314 (1974)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 50/245 (1996)
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
- Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969)
- Warsaw Pact (1955)
Chapter 3: Breaking International Law
- Air Services (1978)
- Avena (2004)
- Bosnian Genocide (2007)
- Chorzow (1927)
- CMS (2005)
- Corfu Channel (1949)
- ILC Articles on State Responsibility (2001)
- Iran Hostages (1980)
- LaGrand (2001)
- LG&E (2006)
- Metalclad (2000)
- Nicaragua (1986)
- North Sea (1969)
- Paris Climate Agreement (2015)
- Savarkar (1911)
- Tadić (1999)
- UK Manual of the Law of Armed Conflict (2004)
- Velásquez Rodríguez (1988)
- Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963)
Chapter 4: Upholding International Law
- Air Services (1978)
- ARA Libertad (2012)
- Arctic Sunrise (2015)
- Arrest Warrant (2002)
- Bakassi (2002)
- Barcelona Traction (1970)
- Certain Iranian Assets, Application (2016)
- Chagos Archipelago (2019)
- East Timor (1995)
- European Convention on State Immunity (1972)
- ICAO Council (2020)
- ILC Articles on State Responsibility (2001)
- International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965)
- Iran Hostages (1980)
- Israeli Wall (2004)
- Jurisdictional Immunities (2012)
- Mavrommatis (1924)
- Monetary Gold (1954)
- Myanmar Genocide, Order of Provisional Measures (2020)
- Namibia (1971)
- Northern Cameroons (1963)
- Nuclear Tests (1974)
- Nuclear Weapons (1996)
- Pinochet (1998)
- Pulp Mills (2010)
- Relocation of the US Embassy, Application (2018)
- Reparation for Injuries (1949)
- South China Sea (2016)
- South Ossetia and Abkhazia (2011)
- South West Africa (1966)
- The Sao Vicente (1922)
- UN Charter (1945)
- UN Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities (2004)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 (1975)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1530 (2004)
- Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963)
Chapter 5: Law of the Sea
- Arctic Sunrise (2015)
- Enrica Lexie (2020)
- Geneva Convention on Fishing and Conservation (1958)
- Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf (1958)
- Geneva Convention on the High Seas (1958)
- Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone (1958)
- Jan Mayen (1993)
- North Sea (1969)
- Truman Proclamation (1945)
- UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982)
Chapter 6: Trade
Chapter 7: Investment
- Asian Agricultural Products (1990)
- ATA Construction (2010)
- Cargill (2008)
- Dredging (1926)
- Energy Charter Treaty (1994)
- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (2003)
- ICSID Convention (1966)
- Metalclad (2000)
- Micula (2013)
- Mobil (2012)
- New York Convention (1958)
- North American Free Trade Agreement. (1994)
- Philip Morris v. Australia (2015)
- Philip Morris v. Uruguay (2016)
- Pope & Talbot (2000)
- Sedelmayer (1998)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 1803 (1962)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 3171 (1973)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 3281 (1974)
Chapter 8: Human Rights
- African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (1981)
- Akayesu (1998)
- American Convention on Human Rights (1969)
- American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man (1948)
- Bhinder v Canada (1989)
- Bosnian Genocide (2007)
- CESCR, General Comment 4 (1991)
- CESCR, General Comment 7 (1997)
- CESCR, General Comment 18 (2005)
- CESCR, General Comment 19 (2007)
- CESCR, General Comment 21 (2009)
- Convention Against Torture (1984)
- Convention for the Protection from Enforced Disappearances (2007)
- Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (1980)
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2007)
- Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
- Endorois v Kenya (2003)
- European Convention on Human Rights (1950)
- Faurisson v France (1996)
- Genocide Convention (1948)
- GRB v. Sweden (1998)
- Grootboom (2000)
- Guatemalan Commission for Historical Clarification Report (1999)
- Hertzberg v Finland (1985)
- International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty Report (2001)
- International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)
- International Convention on Migrant Workers (1990)
- International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (1965)
- International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (1966)
- JRT v Canada (1984)
- Kayishema (1999)
- Kokkinatis v. Greece (1993)
- Litwa v. Poland (2000)
- Lovelace v Canada (1981)
- MA v Italy (1984)
- Mann Singh v France, ECHR (2008)
- Mann Singh v France, HRC (2013)
- Palermo Protocol on Human Trafficking (2000)
- Partidul Comunistilor v Romania (2005)
- Perinçek v Switzerland (2015)
- Refah Partisi v Turkey (2003)
- Ross v Canada (2000)
- Sahin v Turkey (2005)
- SERAC v Nigeria (1997)
- SERAP v Nigeria (2012)
- Teacher Headscarf (2003)
- Trafficking Victims Protections Act (2000)
- Umuhoza v Rwanda (2017)
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
- Yayke Axa v Paraguay (2005)
Chapter 9: Use of Force
- African Union Constitutive Act (2000)
- Armed Activities (2005)
- Declaration on Friendly Relations (1970)
- Definition of Aggression (1974)
- Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1899)
- Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1907)
- Hague Convention Relative to the Opening of Hostilities (1907)
- International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty Report (2001)
- League of Nations Covenant (1919)
- Lomé Protocol (1999)
- Nicaragua (1986)
- Oil Platforms (2003)
- Pact of Paris (1928)
- Saavedra Lamas Pact (1933)
- Statement by the President of the Security Council, 22 March 2015
- UN Charter (1945)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 2625 (1970)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 3314 (1974)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 60/1 (2005)
- UN Security Council Resolution 83 (1950)
- UN Security Council Resolution 221 (1966)
- UN Security Council Resolution 660 (1991)
- UN Security Council Resolution 687 (1991)
- UN Security Council Resolution 788 (1992)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1132 (1997)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1160 (1998)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1199 (1998)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1203 (1998)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1368 (2001)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1973 (2011)
- UN Security Council Resolution 2085 (2012)
- UN Security Council Resolution 2140 (2014)
- UN Security Council Resolution 2201 (2015)
- UN Security Council Resolution 2204 (2015)
- UN Security Council Resolution 2216 (2015)
- UN Security Council Resolution 2249 (2015)
Chapter 10: Armed Conflict
- Additional Protocol I (1977)
- Additional Protocol II (1977)
- Armed Activities (2005)
- Biological Weapons Convention (1972)
- Chemical Weapons Convention (1993)
- Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (1996)
- Convention on Cluster Munitions (2008)
- Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
- Conventional Weapons Convention (1980)
- Geneva Conventions (1949)
- Geneva Gas Protocol (1925)
- Hague Convention IV (1907)
- Hague Declaration II (1899)
- Hague Declaration III (1899)
- Hague Regulations--Annex to Convention IV (1907)
- Lieber Code (1863)
- Mine Ban Treaty (1999)
- Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968)
- Nuclear Weapons (1996)
- Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963)
- Rome Statute (1998)
- St. Petersburg Declaration (1868)
- Tadić (1995)
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty (1974)
- Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2017)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 49/75 (1994)
- UN Security Council Resolution 687 (1991)
Chapter 11: Criminal Responsibility
- Akayesu (1998)
- Al-Senussi (2013)
- Arrest Warrant (2002)
- Barrios Altos v. Peru (2001)
- Bemba Trial Chambers (2016)
- Bemba Appeal (2018)
- Brima (2007)
- Canada's Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act (2000)
- Čelebići (1998)
- Convention Against Torture (1984)
- Erdemović (1996)
- Erdemović (1998)
- France's Code of Criminal Procedure (2006)
- Gbagbo (2019)
- Genocide Convention (1948)
- Hague Regulations--Annex to Convention IV (1907)
- ICC Elements of Crimes (2010)
- Jelisić (1999)
- Jorgić (2007)
- Kaing (2010)
- Kallon (2004)
- Katanga (2014)
- Krstić (2004)
- Kunarac (2002)
- Lomé Agreement (1999)
- London Agreement (1945)
- Lubanga (2012)
- Nahimana (2007)
- New Zealand's International Crimes and International Criminal Court Act (2000)
- Nuremberg Charter (1945)
- Pact of Paris (1928)
- Pinochet (1999)
- Prosecute or Extradite (2012)
- Rome Statute (1998)
- Special Court for Sierra Leone Statute (2000)
- Taylor (2004)
- Taylor (2013)
- Treaty of Versailles (1919)
- UK's War Crimes Act (1991)
- UN Charter (1945)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 3314 (1974)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 95 (1946)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1593 (2005)
- UN Security Council Resolution 1970 (2011)
Chapter 12: Environmental Protection
- Aarhus Convention (1998)
- Additional Protocol I (1977)
- African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (1981)
- Armed Activities (2005)
- Bering Sea Fur Seals (1893)
- Biological Diversity Convention (1992)
- Cartagena Protocol (2000)
- Certain Activities (2015)
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (1975)
- Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
- Dumping Convention (1972)
- Environmental Modification Convention (1977)
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1947)
- Glamis Gold (2009)
- ICTY Report on the NATO Bombing Campaign (2000)
- ILC Draft Articles on Transboundary Harm (2001)
- International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling (1946)
- International Watercourses Convention (1997)
- Kuna (2012)
- Kyoto Protocol (1997)
- Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention (1979)
- MARPOL Convention (1978)
- Metalclad (2000)
- Migratory Species Convention (1979)
- Montreal Protocol (1987)
- Nagoya Protocol (2010)
- North Pacific Fur Seal Convention (1911)
- Nuclear Weapons (1996)
- Ozone Convention (1985)
- Paris Climate Agreement (2015)
- Pulp Mills (2010)
- Rare Earth (2014)
- Rio Declaration (1992)
- Seals (2013)
- SERAP (2012)
- Shrimp (1998)
- Statute of the Uruguay River (1975)
- Stockholm Declaration (1972)
- Tatar v. Roumanie (only available in French) (2009)
- UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982)
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 47/37 (1992)
- UN General Assembly Resolution 49/75 (1994)
- UN Security Council Resolution 687 (1991)
- Urgenda (2019)
- Wetlands Convention (1971)
- Whaling (2014)
- World Heritage Convention (1972)